Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Hurry up and wait

I have many traits — not all positive necessarily. One of my worst is a lack of patience. When I want something I want it to happen now.

Ironic, I know, that someone like me would want to embark on a journey that would test even the most patient of people. But, I know that when it’s important, I can be extremely patient, so I don’t worry about that.

Here’s what’s making me crazy now. After about a month of non-stop insanity with doctor’s appointments, CPR classes, vehicle inspections, pet records, shopping for bulletin boards and child proof accessories for home — not to mention a MOUNTAIN of paperwork (I think I have cramps from signing my name so many times) — everything has come to a screeching halt.

And, now, we wait.

It seems we’re waiting for one of the most overwhelmed and understaffed departments in the nation’s largest county to approve our home as a ‘facility’ for foster children. We’re told it could take two or three weeks. Okay…


Again, I don’t mind waiting for things when I understand the reason for waiting. But, when you are just waiting for some bureaucrat to make his or her way through a pile of documents in the inbox to be rubber stamped, it could make one’s hair fall out.

So, I am taking deep breaths. Deep breaths for the sake of having the opportunity to do what I really want: experience the joys of parenthood while making some kind of positive difference in the life of a child who really needs it.

I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s true.

A respected professional recently told me that older parents make the best parents. No offense to younger parents (my mom was 22 when I was born), but it stands to reason that those with life experience and wisdom have a lot to offer a child and are well equipped to be the calm in a child’s storm.

And, in the process of growing my wisdom, I’ve acquired an understanding that sometimes in order to accomplish a goal you have to play the game. And, sometimes that game is the waiting game.

And, so here we go. Deep breath. Focus on painting the kids room, sprucing up the house and thinking deeply about all the wonderful ways I am going to teach kids about the wonders of the world.

So many innocent lives shaken apart by chaos and unrest in their homes. They need a place to grow and learn while their families regroup. I am here to help with that, and it’s going to be amazing for all involved. I am convinced.

And, so here we go.
Tic toc tic toc… 

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