Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Perspective is Everything

“I don't want to bring another kid into this world. But, how do you argue against loving one that's already here?” (Quote from the film The Martian Child)

I haven’t seen that movie. I’ll have to put it on my to-do list…my very, very long to-do list.

Even so I saw the quote and I love it. Even if it sounds a bit harsh.

Let me be frank: I have long thought there are too damn many kids in the world. I mean, the Earth’s population is ballooning, and there are so many millions of children who don’t have enough to eat and don’t have roofs over their heads. So, why do people keep having more kids? Moreover, why do people have kids they know very well they cannot take care of?

I don't know the answer to that question. But there are questions that — with a little reflection — I have made progress in answering.

Right here in Los Angeles, thankfully most children have access to food, clean water and shelter. But there are so many — literally thousands every day — who don’t have the satisfaction of knowing there is someone who cares whether they live or die.

Yeah…I’ve often thought of myself as a heartless bastard (no, not literally…I was born in wedlock). At times in fact, I’ve worn it as a badge of honor. Not sure why.

But, even I have to admit that I have a heart. And, it breaks at the thought of a child who feels sad. A child who feels like there is nowhere to belong. Without a home. Without a family. Without anyone who cares. Without any hope for the future.

I complain far too much about my own childhood. Growing up poor…struggling with my identity during a time when homophobia was still perfectly acceptable…and all the mistakes my own parents made (however innocently).

But, I can’t say I have ever wondered if anybody loved me. I can’t say I have ever wished I had a home. I never had to wonder if anybody cared how I did in school. Dang…I never even had to talk about how much it sucks to the child of divorced parents (mom and dad have been happily married for nearly half a century).

I am pretty damn lucky. And, with all the shit I’ve endured in my short life, I’ve come out pretty okay. I dare say better than most even. I have a beautiful home. I’m pretty healthy. I have a huge network of family and friends who are amazing. And — most importantly — I have a husband I’ve been with for nearly 17 years…and waking up to him and coming home to him every day is just as exciting as the day I met him.

So, I’m pretty happy.

And, if I can find an opportunity to share that happiness with someone else — i.e., a child who really needs a little happiness, than of course I am going to jump on it.

So, in case you are wondering why I decided to embark on this journey, I’d say there are many reasons. But, that’s probably the biggest.

Question answered. Now you can rest easy.

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